Welcome to Lakshmi Enterprises:

desktopcomputerIn today’s world technologies have become very common and important factor with which work has become much easier. Life has become more and more addicted to technologies. Computers play a very vital role in making work faster and reliable. It can store large amount of data. Hence reducing the tedious paper works. Nowadays computers have become must haves in every common Man’s life. Lot of information’s can be obtained using Internet and Intranet. We can find computers in every home.

We at Lakshmi Enterprises provide various services in the field of computers. We are into assembling and installation of desktop computers and all types of Laptop Repairs and services. We provide hardware, software and networking supports to our valued customers at reasonable rates. Assembling of brand new computers according to the customer’s specifications and to provide services for the same, installation and troubleshooting of hardware and software, card level and chip level repairing of Hardware parts, Home Networking, Installation of CCTV Cameras and Configuring them on Android Mobiles, Desktop Computers and Laptop, etc…… Apart from this we also provide Accounts, Auditing and Taxation works for Co-operative Housing Societies, Credit Societies, Trusts, Personal (Salary) and Corporates. The company’s motto is “Customised Computing Solutions Any Time… Any Where…”